Export Development Center of the West of the Country
Monday, 19 December 2016 09:16

A meeting for the productive capabilities and investment opportunities held in KERMANSHAH Province.

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The productive capabilities and investment opportunities meeting held in Iraq country by the presence of some of the country officials, different countries ambassadors and the economic activists.

This meeting held by the presence of ambassadors of Indian and Afghanistan ambassadors, economic consultant of PAKISTAN, SAYYED HASSAN MIR SHOJAEIAN as the assistant of Minister of economy and finance. There were also MOHAMMAD REZA FAYYAZ assistant of the industry, mine and business minister, KERMANSHAH governor, representatives of the commerce chambers of BAGHDAD, DIALEY and SOLEIMANIYEH and some of the economic activists of the foreign countries in the conference hall of the chamber of commerce of KERMANSHAH, based on the report by the public relations of the chamber of commerce.
This meeting program encompasses the specialty panels for industry, mine and business, infrastructure and services, agriculture, animals, poultry, tourism and tourist.
Following this meeting, there we were also witness for the inauguration of the productive and export capabilities of province in the permanent place of the international fairs of the province.
There will be 70 pavilions for the productive and export capabilities in the field of food industries, pharmaceutical, agricultural, chemical, handmade, construction and steel industries in this 3 days fair.
The second day program of the meeting for the investment opportunities meeting in KERMANSHAH included meeting of the foreign ambassadors and B2B meeting of the Iraqi businesspersons with the economic activists

Read 8541 times Last modified on Monday, 19 December 2016 09:34