Export Development Center of the West of the Country
Saturday, 25 June 2016 05:58

Educational Calendar of the year 2016 The 20 Types of Workshops for the year 2016 (At Provincial Level)

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Row Name of the Workshop
1 Management of Good Reputation and Customer Satisfaction Strategy
2 Modern Methods of Entrepreneurship in Small Businesses with Economic Development Approach
3 Sponsorship and Methods of Attracting Financial Support
4 Laws of Tax Affairs and VAT (Value Added Tax)
5 Methods of Commercial Negotiations
6 Familiarization with the Laws and Regulations of Social Security
7 Principles for Preparation and Arrangement of Various Types of Contracts
8 Business Plan
9 Economics for the Managers
10 Tourism Marketing
11 Tour and Practical Workshop and Visiting the Border Small Markets of the Province
12 Tour and Practical Workshop and Visiting Small Cities and Industrial Units of the Province
13 Advertisement Techniques in Business Space After Removal of Economic Sanctions
14 (L/C) and Obligations (after the Comprehensive Plan)
15 Advertisement in Cyber Space
16 The Manner to Hold and Participate in Interior and Overseas International Fairs
17 Customs Affairs and Goods Clearance
18 Management of Purchase, Foreign Orders, Letters of Credit and Incoterms
19 English Language Educational Periods (Short, Medium and Long Term)
20 Principles and processes of Initiation of Customers Club in Cyber Space


The 8 Types of Conventions in the Year 2016 (At Provincial Level)

Row Name of the Workshop
1 Family Business Management
2 Exemptions from Law, Resolution of Production Impediments and Improvements in Direct Taxes Laws
3 When the Body Speaks (Familiarity with the Techniques of Body Language in Effective Communications)
4 Personal Management with the Father of Management Science of IRAN
5 Entrepreneurship and Secret of Success of Brands in the Presence of Elite Entrepreneurs
6 Financial Analysis and Investment of Companies with Wealth Approach
7 Commercial Intelligence and Intelligence in Business
8 Principles of Commerce and Trade in Border Small Markets (place of hold: Ghasre Shirin)

One of the 2 Types of Seminars of the Year 2016 (At Provincial and National Level)

Row Name of the Workshop
1 National Seminar on Interaction between Commerce and University
2 Local Seminar on Recognition of Wealth of Zagros Inhabitants
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